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Dec 1, 2008
by Eric Wilder
Through our developing years, Eco 1 Network has been in the forefront of fighting the good fight, and has been a constant presence in the Natural Product Industry. Since 1993, we have witnessed many pioneering companies come on the scene with good ideas and the best intentions, only to fail because a viable marketplace was unable, for many reasons, to successfully be sustained at that time. But times are changing and the need for green products is increasing weekly.
Perhaps you have noticed or heard about the negative role the plastic bag, a staple to the American lifestyle over the last 30 years, is having on our environment. Simply stated, the plastic bag has become a threat to wildlife and our overall surroundings, and believe it or not, polluting our oceans in a way far beyond what we possibly could have imagined. To see for yourself, go ahead and Google or You-Tube, "Garbage Island". It will put forth visual information and evidence of a discarded plastic refuge island that is twice the size of the State of Texas, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Eco 1 is now representing a line of products that will work as an alternative to our nation's now controversial plastic bag dependence. This product is the Bio Bag. BioBags use no polyethylene in the production process and are made from biodegradable corn polymer. The corn that is used is not of food grade, so it will not interfere with edible corn supplies or costs. These bags are GMO free and DEN certified for restricted use of metals in soy based inks and dyes for printing. Biobag products decompose in 10 to 40 days in a municipal composting environment, which makes for an all around green bag line.
On the West Coast, California has begun the process to outlaw the classic plastic bag for good. Cities, especially in the beach communities, are now beginning to vote on an immediate ban, or the option to wait until the law makes the move permanent. Los Angeles, for example, will make the plastic bag ban permanent by 2013.
San Francisco has embraced Bio Bags, after implementing an immediate banning of plastic bags. While San Francisco has banned one time use plastic bags, they have embraced the biocompostable, biodegradable corn polymer Bio Bag as a viable alternative. Not only are these bags being used for point of purchase one time use bags in over 100 stores (grocery/clothing/gift, etc.) city and county wide, they are also being used for leaf and cuttings debris, office waste baskets, and doggie bags.
Understandably, you might ask, "How does California law affect my store?" The answer is: this changeover to non polyethylene alternatives will become quite relevant to your town, as permanent banning legislation will be hitting your home state soon. You will be hearing more and more about this matter sooner than later, so stay ahead of the curve and start thinking about green bags and products now.
Be proactive in your store's presentation by becoming product educated, help your customers become aware of your knowledge and ecological awareness through your green product offerings, and most importantly, by doing so you'll undoubtedly see new foot traffic, make more sales and increase revenues.
Eric Wilder
T.H.G. Eco Network
P.O. Box 807
Seal Beach CA 90740
Tel.: 562-799-9550
Topic: Product Trends
Related Articles: green
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