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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors.
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Sep 1, 2010
The survey did not say how many of those device owners actually use them to contact wholesalers and place orders online. However, small businesses that shop online frequently (three or more times per month) are more than twice as likely to say that mobile capabilities are important, compared to those that place one to two orders online per month. The survey covered a national random sample of 300 small businesses with 20 or fewer employees.
Another recent survey of small business owners, mostly asking about insurance, revealed that only two percent of the over 600 respondents don't buy anything online. That poll was conducted by Working Solo Inc., on behalf of TechInsurance Group. With the great majority of business people turning to the Internet for at least a portion of their purchasing needs, suppliers can attract their dollars by offering efficient purchases and free shipping.
Topic: Wholesale News
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