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How to Build An Email List

Nov 1, 2008

Email building for a small business need not be especially time consuming or difficult. Here are some easy ways to build a list to increase traffic to a retail website and increase sales.

  1. Place a simple sign up box on every page of the website. Make it easy for people to build a list for you. Let them know you are offering to give them even more great information or keep them in the loop of news of your business.
  2. Send out regular emails to your list. Keep in contact with your list. It's not the length that matters, but the consistency of purpose.
  3. Encourage recipients to forward your emails to their friends and associates. If you write interesting and useful stuff, this is a free and easy way to build a list because people will naturally want to share your eNewsletter with their friends. At least two to three times a year, ask for help when doing a, "membership drive."
  4. When people sign up for any of your services or buy products from you, tell them they will also receive your emails. Most people are more than willing to receive product updates, information about upcoming events or customer service messages from someone they have done business with in the past.
  5. Take a hard copy sign up sheet to any events you attend and keep one at the checkout. Ask for email addresses and use them.
  6. Create great content. If you write useful and relevant email messages, people will become hardcore fans and spread the word about you and your business.

Information in this article was excerpted and edited from a story by Michael Murphy for the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). For more information on list building visit

Topic: Business Strategies

Related Articles: email 

Article ID: 798

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