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Smart Surplus Goods for the Environment

Feb 1, 2013

Smart Surplus, Inc., launched in 2003, is a full service, worldwide liquidation and inventory management firm that provides a variety of strategic solutions to help customers with their inventory and warehousing needs. Services include remarketing and purchasing of excess inventory, refurbishing and disposal solutions, returns management, warehouse space consulting and customized reverse logistics programs. Primarily, the company sells small to medium sized home appliances such as heaters, air conditioners, kegerators and dehumidifiers. The firm also sells some electronics and commercial items. "We used to deal in major and high-end appliances," shares Matthew Scriff, company partner. "In the last year and a half, however, we've moved toward small, medium and apartment sized appliances because of the economy. We are looking for items that are more palatable for people. We're very pleased with that decision."

By repurposing, remanufacturing and reusing units, Smart Surplus keeps appliances out of landfills and gives them a second chance at life. "We try to provide a full green solution to our customers," Scriff continues. "It's a zero landfill solution and there is no waste." The company works with organizations of any size on a variety of items. "We do things like revenue sharing, outright purchase of returns and work on service contracts," Scriff explains, "whatever fits best with our customers' needs."

The company's pricing is good for the distributor or reseller as well as for the end user, Scriff points out. "There are economies of scale based on getting a large volume of an item that was going to be a problem for the vendor or manufacturer. There is probably a bigger margin on our type of items on the resale than you would see in the traditional overstock and closeout market. Resellers can sell our items at a good percentage below the cost of a new item with almost impeccable quality."

Smart Surplus has two locations, one in Elverson, PA, and another in New Holland, PA, the latter of which is solely dedicated to remanufacturing. "If customers want to come in and look at our merchandise, the bulk of the items are in the New Holland warehouse," says Scriff. For customers who cannot visit the showroom, Smart Surplus's website provides a wealth of information. "It basically is our calling card," Scriff points out. "A warehouse environment isn't always the prettiest thing to show off, so we rely on our website and some of the videos we have there to attract new buyers as well as to offer some credibility to our business. We use companies like Wholesale Central to find a variety of dealers and draw them back to our website. The videos show a little bit about our refurbishing and remanufacturing process to give people an understanding of what we are doing. We want our customers to understand the remanufacturing process so they are comfortable with the end product." In 2013, Smart Surplus is continuing to grow the remanufacturing side of its business and solidifying relationships with vendors to ensure new merchandise is constantly coming in.

Smart Surplus is an A+ rated BBB business and has been since its inception. "We will do whatever it takes to make sure our customers are extremely happy," Scriff stresses. "We don't want to leave a company unhappy ever." The minimum order is a pallet and truckload orders are preferred. If there is potential for ongoing business with smaller companies, however, "we are willing to try a smaller order."

For more information:
Smart Surplus, Inc.
180 Earland Drive, Building #8
New Holland, PA 17557
Toll Free: 877-977-7627
Tel. and Fax: 484-809-7627

Topic: Company Profiles

Related Articles: Smart Surplus  Liquidators  Remanufacturing 

Article ID: 1700

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