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Time for Updated Fixtures?

Jan 1, 2008

As a storeowner, how do you know when it is time to invest in updated fixtures? A sure indicator is when display tables break and shelves start falling off their brackets. Hopefully, you realize prior to that event that it would be a good idea to update your store fixtures for aesthetic and safety reasons.

The fixtures in your store reflect something about you and the merchandise that you carry. If you want to be perceived as a high quality store, you need fixtures that reflect quality. An upscale shop should use upscale fixtures. A great place to source these items is from a store that specializes in purchasing fixtures from chains that are remodeling, or going out of business. One such company is Store Fixture SuperCenter, with nationwide locations. The company sources used store fixtures, and then resells them at a fraction of the cost of new. This allows the small to medium store owner to use the same quality fixtures as national chains.

If you are a store that does not need to have an upscale look, you can still benefit from the use of pre-owned fixtures. As drug stores remodel, they replace all their shelving. Many times, the shelving is just slightly used and is perfect for a business just starting out, or adding additional locations. Stores also replace their specialty displays for DVD's and cosmetics. These are displays that might not otherwise be available to a small retailer.

Companies that specialize in used fixtures generally also have new items to complement their used fixtures. That means you can buy used shelving, then use new shelf inserts to upgrade the look. You can also purchase used shelving and invest in a new cash wrap. If a store owner wants to change the color of the shelves, he will still save money and upgrade his look, even if he needs to paint the shelves.

Often a store owner just needs additional fixtures for more merchandise. Stores that specialize in used fixtures often have one of a kind displays that would fit the needs perfectly. By visiting a warehouse or website of a company that has used store fixtures, you can get an idea of what is available, and what larger stores are using to display their merchandise. Fixture liquidators can also be on the lookout for specific items to help you round out your merchandise display. So if you don't find what you want on the first look, try back again, because the used inventory is turning over all the time.

Remember, as a store owner, it is important to keep your store safe and looking good. A cost effective way to do this is by looking for used store fixtures, and benefit from the depreciation that is inherent in purchasing new fixtures.

Topic: Business Strategies

Related Articles: store fixtures 

Article ID: 494

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