Protective Gear Sales Rising

Mar 1, 2008

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is expected to account for $7.2 billion in U.S. sales by 2012, according to a new report from Specialists in Business Information (SBI). The forecast is based on a steady three percent rise, year over year.

Accounting for 44 percent of the total market, the, "body, clothing, and other," protective gear category has led the industry in recent years, adding more than $1 billion to the market since 2002.

Several factors have affected the growth in the PPE market, including concern for employee safety on the corporate level, a stronger, more knowledgeable workforce than in years past, manufacturers' continued innovation, a solid economy and the ever important, diverse customer base.

While the PPE market is expected to continue to grow, a possible 2008-2009 economic recession, though mild, could negatively impact the industry short term.

"The rate of growth for this industry is dependant on both U.S. and international economies," said Tatjana Meerman, publisher of SBI. "However, OSHA's continuing PPE purchase mandates for employers may offset this potential slowdown," she added, referring to new standards by the government's Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The full report profiles key suppliers to the PPE Market, as well as market trends and data on shipments, imports and exports. Specialists in Business Information publishes research reports in the industrial, construction, materials, and consumer goods markets. For more information, visit

Topic: Product Trends

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Article ID: 543

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