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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " Helps" yielded 482 matches

08/01/2008 - Toys & Novelties for Fun & Profits
Fun is never out of style. It reaches across all geographic regions and every demographic, and people pay for it, regardless of the economy.

08/01/2008 - Sterling Forest Adds Stainless
Sterling Forest, a jewelry supplier in New York City, has long expanded beyond the sterling in its name.

08/01/2008 - Refresh Your Brand
Every business should take a periodic review of its full line of branding materials, which includes the company logo, marketing materials, business cards, packaging, website and any other component that makes for a store's public identity.

08/01/2008 - REAL Wholesale Deals from
Many wholesale companies offer dropshipping and maintain a claim that they have millions of products. In reality, such a high and vague number of SKUs may really mean that the company is not a true wholesaler.

08/01/2008 - Great Selection at Blanket Depot
George Merling, President of Blanket Depot, could be called a "Blanket Barron." Though it is only a five-year-old company, Blanket Depot has close to 2,500 blanket designs on their website.

08/01/2008 - Footwear & Apparel Forecast
Few categories can match the Footwear & Apparel niches when it comes to cultivating revenue from August through December. From Back-to-School to Christmas, consumers are buying shoes and clothes for school, work and gifting occasions.

08/01/2008 - Economy Favors Online Growth
While consumers expect to decrease their overall spending this year, according to a recent survey, the decline will take place more offline than online.

08/01/2008 - Easy DVD Profits
Those who equate low priced DVDs with poor quality have never purchased from, a company which manufactures about 100,000 DVDs on-site every day using professional, digitized, high-definition printing.

08/01/2008 - DollarDays Merges with Insignia
DollarDays International, an online wholesaler and closeout company, has merged into Insignia Solutions PLC, a United Kingdom legal entity listed on the National Daily Quotations Journal under the symbol INSGY.PK

08/01/2008 - Art From Behind Bars
CONVICTED CLOTHING carries a variety of apparel with artwork created by prison inmates, while they were incarcerated.

07/01/2008 - Win with
You might think that a website like would balk at the suggestion that it is, "the eBay for wholesale liquidations."

07/01/2008 - White-Hot Holiday Products
Ecommerce has HELPed the holiday product niche skyrocket over the years, offering more unique, high quality products at increasingly better prices.

07/01/2008 - Office Depot Teams with Google
Office Depot Inc. has launched an online business resource center with Google, to give small retailers access to Google's marketing and business tools.

07/01/2008 - JSK Computer Services: Buyers' One-Stop Shop
Jeffrey Kodba was a 24-year-old college graduate making use of his diploma working as an IT technician, sharing an apartment with his brother, Joseph, and enjoying his life in Pittsburgh.

07/01/2008 - Customer Surveys Reveal Site Weaknesses
In its simplest form, a dam is a structural system that controls the flow of water. It can stop the flow completely, or it can be opened up to allow water to flow through in a controlled manner.

07/01/2008 - ClassifiedFlyerAds Makes 'Bid' to HELP eBay Sellers
eBay store owners can now advertise their items for sale to thousands of users outside of the eBay site thanks to

07/01/2008 - Buyers Network Speeds Transactions
In addition to all its free and convenient features, also allows users to utilize a free Buyers Network.

07/01/2008 - 12 Tips For Savvy Retailers
As gas prices continue to climb and people adjust their spending habits, sales of Spam are up and McDonald's and Dunkin' Donuts are luring Starbucks' latte lovers.

06/01/2008 - Wholesalers Ease Web Buying
Retailers and other buyers who go online to research and obtain products are finding it easier to navigate wholesalers' websites.

06/01/2008 - Tips for Designing Websites
Have you ever stepped back, looked at your website, scratched your head and wondered, "I think my site looks good, so why is it not generating sales?"

06/01/2008 - Remote Control Zooms Sales
In 1996, unlike his high school freshmen classmates, Kevork "Kev" Kouyoumjian was too industriously preoccupied to care whether or not he was in one of life's awkward stages.

06/01/2008 - Home Furnishing & Housewares Review
The diverse nature of the Home Furnishings & Housewares niche always makes this an exciting time of year, due to the great many products being released on the wholesale market.

06/01/2008 - Education For Sellers At eBay Live 2008
Later this month, more than 10,000 entrepreneurs and other businesspeople will convene at McCormick Place West in Chicago. They will be in attendance for the seventh annual eBay Live Show, which runs June 19-21.

06/01/2008 - Course For Small Business
The Savvy Marketers, a training program designed for small businesses, has been launched by Hart Communications, an independent public relations firm based in San Francisco.

05/01/2008 - YogaToes
YOGAPRO has introduced YogaToes, a new patented product that HELPS straighten bent toes and alleviate foot pain caused by tight shoes, high heels and overexertion.

05/01/2008 - Vertical Search Effectiveness
Vertical search engines are continuing to grow in popularity because they only show the results that are relevant to a marketer's product needs.

05/01/2008 - SBA Offers HELP
The U.S. Small Business Administration has launched Emerging 200 Initiative, a program designed to get entrepreneurs to the next level of success.

05/01/2008 - Illuminating Art
LEVY TRADING introduces Magic Draw, a kit that consists of a 15 by 12 inch special drawing pad, a special two sided pen that draws with light, and two stencils. All come in an easy to carry, durable plastic envelope.

05/01/2008 - Dell Tests Biz Service
The computer company, Dell Inc., is currently testing a new system that could HELP relieve small businesses from needing to employ IT experts. The test is now taking place in Dallas.

05/01/2008 - Cross Channel Retailing
Retailers are beginning to improve how they serve customers across retailing channels, according to Rob Garf, VP and general manager of retail strategies at AMR Research Inc., a research and advisory firm.

05/01/2008 - Cool Feet Are Hot Items
The 13th century Persian poet, Rumi, wrote, "Let what you love be what you do," and Cindy Schultz, owner of is a perfect example of that.

04/01/2008 - Web Cash Payment Sparks Sales
As lending standards tighten and credit card interest mounts, several online retailers are reacting by offering interest free, cash payment checkout options for shoppers.

04/01/2008 - Turning 10 Cents into $10 in Two Minutes at Tatstore.Com
Kirk Knapp owned and operated a Grand Rapids, MI area investment banking and brokerage business for years, before selling it in 1999.

04/01/2008 - Setting Up a 401K
Setting up a 401(k) savings plan for a small business is relatively easy.

04/01/2008 - Selling By Instinct At OBI
Tim Choklett, President of Opportunity Buys, Inc. (OBI), instinctively understands what people want. In grade school, he removed the centers of books to sell pieces of bubblegum he had purchased in bags.

04/01/2008 - Rhino Mart Charges Ahead
Like the principles in Rhinoceros Success, the book that inspired him, Drawlon Tsang, owner of Rhino Mart, is a focused, take charge person who has always accomplished his goals.

04/01/2008 - Rebates Reward Retailers
Businesses will be directly HELPed by the new economic stimulus legislation passed by Congress. But small businesses in general, and retailers in particular, may get the biggest lift from consumers spending their tax rebates.

04/01/2008 - Power Your Profits With Electronics
Sales of electronics and accessories continue to soar, as more of the population adapts to an increasing number of devices in this category.

04/01/2008 - Online Visibility For Small & Medium Businesses
Small and medium-sized businesses have two pressing needs they would pay to satisfy, according to a new survey: visibility in online searches; and actionable contact information on consumers who phone them.

04/01/2008 - Heat Transfers Galore
AIR WAVES INC. has an unparalleled assortment of heat transfer graphics and all the equipment necessary to HELP a retailer get started in the imprinted T-shirt business.

04/01/2008 - Grooming a Successor
There's a fatal flaw in the retirement plans of many small business owners. After pouring a lifetime of sweat, time and capital into building the business.

04/01/2008 - Exist or Not Exist: Securing the Buyer's Attention
In last month's column, I wrote about building sales momentum through relevance and consistency.

04/01/2008 - Combating Security Fraud
What can be more frustrating then selling your products to a credit card thief? The lawful owner of the card will likely eventually get reimbursed, but you will be left without your product and with a negative tally on your ledger.

03/01/2008 - Style & Service Drive Sales At Pacific Link
Years ago, Ron Bryan was managing a mall cart kiosk business in the Atlanta, GA area, when Pacific Link Sunglasses General Manager, David Rice, approached him about joining his company.

03/01/2008 - Profit From Consumables
Changes have taken place at Discount Wholesalers, a supplier of closeouts for more than 12 years.

03/01/2008 - Niches Boost Apparel Sales
The retail apparel sector can benefit significantly by expansion into niche clothing markets. A wide range of suppliers specializing in niches have gained strength nationwide, and also in geographic areas with differing demographics.

03/01/2008 - Movies 4 Wholesale
This company routinely stocks more than six million DVDs, along with PC software, console games, video games and more.

02/01/2008 - Sunglass Fashion Forecast
Without losing their utilitarian nature, sunglasses have moved to the forefront of fashion.

02/01/2008 - Rocket Pockets Water Sport
ROCKET POCKETS INTERNATIONAL INC. introduces Rocket Pockets Water Sport

02/01/2008 - Pain Eliminating Products
After 15 years of working in the restaurant industry, Mandy Chun Wah Or developed foot pain, a common occupational hazard

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