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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " Square" yielded 127 matches

12/01/2007 - Perfect Product Photos
ORTERY TECHNOLOGIES INC. has developed and patented Photosimile, which is a desktop photo "studio" controlled by proprietary software.

12/01/2007 - Home Depot Targets Women
Home Depot's newest retail laboratory has opened in Charlotte, SC.

11/01/2007 - Source for Great Deals
After 12 years in business, Discount Wholesale in Chester Springs, PA continues to expand its offerings of closeouts.

11/01/2007 - Master of More Than Price
Twenty years ago, PriceMaster, a wholesale distributor in Woodside, NY, wholesaled about 1,000 different products throughout the tri-state area from a warehouse of a few thousand SQUARE feet.

10/01/2007 - Web Dreams Come True For Blue Bay
Remember those stories in the late 1990s about Internet startups and their employees, working nearly around the clock, catching brief snoozes on the office floor and dreaming of their big IPO on Wall Street?

10/01/2007 - Stores Within Stores
Whether multiple retailers join forces in one location, or one retailer segregates a department into a boutique, the store within a store concept proliferates.

10/01/2007 - Linking Housewares To Foods
Today's specialty food market is vibrant and growing, and it's an opportunity for housewares retailers to grow their business

09/01/2007 - Travel Security Case
SECURE-IT INC. introduces Travel Safe, a security case designed to help business people and other travelers protect valuables and important documents when they're on the road.

09/01/2007 - Teamwork Drives UB2B's Success
One of the key components of Fatima Siner's game plan for business success includes the philosophy used by all winning football coaches: surround yourself with the best assistants and the most talented personnel.

08/01/2007 - Nostalgic signs
Nostalgic signs are among this company's most popular products. They carry approximately 400 different designs of nostalgic signs, all of which are metal and measure 12 inches by 16 inches.

08/01/2007 - Buyers Pay For Privacy
Consumers will pay more to shop at websites that protect privacy, according to a study by Carnegie Mellon University.

07/01/2007 - Small Retailers vs. Big Boxes
How do independent retailers compete with the, "big boxes?" Let us face it: It is hard to beat the economies of scale that the big boys enjoy in the retail market.

07/01/2007 - Fashion Accessories Grow Sales
Imagine growing every sales transaction by a percentage or more. That's the potential represented by adding fashion accessories to the merchandise mix.

07/01/2007 - Ethical Halloween Chocolates
ENDANGERED SPECIES CHOCOLATE, the number one selling brand of chocolate in the natural category, is offering, "Halloween Treats." They are available in all natural milk and dark chocolate bite size SQUAREs.

06/01/2007 - Housewares & Gifts Summer Forecast
June can be an extraordinary month for retailers in terms of finding a fantastic mix of hot products and cool prices.

06/01/2007 - Flexible Programs Drive Kiosk Sales
Kiosks devoted to multiple product categories, can generate sales and profits at holiday time. But what does a kiosk vendor do after the holiday lights come down?

05/01/2007 - Super Size Bargains
CONCORD ENTERPRISES is offering closeouts by the pallet at particularly low prices for a limited time.

05/01/2007 - Quality & Service In the Bag At Handbag Express
Barry Herrington retired back in 1999 after three decades in the manufacturing and wholesaling industry, where he was a highly successful designer of underwater spa lighting systems and open heart surgical equipment.

05/01/2007 - Purse Pleaser
PURSE PLEASER invented its signature product as a solution to the difficulty of finding things quickly in a woman's purse.

05/01/2007 - How And When To Add Staff
In the competitive world of web based wholesaling, one thing is a constant: owners and employees are stretched to the limit.

04/01/2007 - Wholesale Web Jewelry: Spring / Summer Forecast
If your customers include divas, and you are stocking merchandise in preparation for the material mavens' pre-summer shopping season, then take heed... bling is the thing for spring!

04/01/2007 - Fresh Products Boost Kiosk Sales
Whether a kiosk operator carries a single product category or many, change is essential to maintaining sales momentum, according to suppliers.

03/01/2007 - Social Retailing
A new in-store shopping experience, called, "Social Retailing," is designed to target young consumers.

03/01/2007 - PC Costly for Big Boxes
Political correctness at some of the country's big box chains may explain why Best Buy and others underperformed over the 2006 holidays, and why some independents thrived.

03/01/2007 - DVA Spells Entertainment
Beginning in the late 1980s as a wholesaler of videos, DVA has grown and thrived through flexibility and expansion of product offerings. It now supplies a full range of products related to entertainment.

02/01/2007 - Sunglasses Sales Shine All Year
Once considered a seasonal category, sunglasses are now hot sellers year round, regardless of climate and geographic location, according to suppliers.

01/01/2007 - Retail Friendly Incense
MYSTICAL MOMENTS introduces a new division and brand, Butterfly Dreams, which is a program specifically designed for easy use by convenience stores, independent retailers and others. It contains a choice of incense sticks, made according to the same quality standards of the parent company and its Aroma Moments pre-packaged division.

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