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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " sales" yielded 500 matches

10/01/2010 - ASD Brings Buyers and Sellers Together
The leading wholeSALEr and supplier brands gathered at ASD Las Vegas from August 8-11.

10/01/2010 - E-Retail SALES Grow Twice As Fast As Brick And Mortar SALES
Total U.S. SALES of goods online continues a trend of growing twice as fast as total SALES of retail goods.

09/11/2010 - Building Online Revenue with Affiliate Programs
Everyone wants to make more money. Affiliate programs are a great way to make more money with relatively little effort.

09/01/2010 - Gifts, Candles and Incense Trends
When it comes to the aromatic arts, giftware sellers are generally well stocked, and contrary to national economic news, well satisfied.

09/01/2010 - Giftbliss Succeeds With Snow To Go
Giftbliss SALES started up in 1993 as a manufacturers' rep group.

09/01/2010 - Improving Quality Scores
If you are managing any form of advertising, getting the biggest bang for your buck should be at the top of your mind.

09/01/2010 - Rules of Mobile Marketing
In today's four-screen marketing world, designing an ideal mobile site is becoming more important than ever for the e-retailer.

09/01/2010 - E-Book Marketplace
The news on electronic book wholesaling is a real page turner these days, and like any good mystery, there's no way to know how it's all going to turn out.

08/01/2010 - New Site Sparks Eros Hosiery Success
A family wholeSALE business with a long tradition of success is embracing new technology with a completely redesigned website and back-end system.

08/01/2010 - The Party Animal Inc. Unveils Lil' Teammates
Party Animal Inc. has become the talk of the sports toy industry this year, thanks to a new line called Lil' Teammates.

08/01/2010 - Christmas & Holiday Preview
Might the nation's cash registers be set jing-jing-jingling again this upcoming holiday season?

08/01/2010 - The Rise of Jewelry Accessories
The jewelry accessory category is one for which the demand has been growing.

08/01/2010 - Creating a SALE Capturing Checkout Process
The checkout process is one of the most important parts of a successful ecommerce site.

08/01/2010 - Latest wholeSALE data show big year-over-year boost
SALES of goods at the wholeSALE level held steady over the last month but rose substantially over the year, according to the most recent data from the Census Bureau.

08/01/2010 - Twitter, Facebook & Your Business
The use of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to improve connections with your customer base has been documented in these pages in the past.

07/01/2010 - Blogging for Business Success
Over the past several years, "blog" has become one of those commonplace terms with which everyone is familiar

07/01/2010 - Vent Clipps from Car-Freshner
From Car-Freshner Corporation, the company behind the classic, instantly recognizable, "Little Trees," comes something new: Vent Clipps.

07/01/2010 - No Business Like Snow Business
After one of its products became a breakout best-seller, Gift Bliss had to grapple with the challenges of success. While most wholeSALErs carry a range of products, none would complain if just one of those items became a hot seller.

07/01/2010 - A Walk Through the Footwear Industry
Some 18 months ago, the footwear industry was very much feeling the effects of the global economic crisis.

07/01/2010 - Track Google Product Search Traffic in Google Analytics
Since measurement is the key to success, I wanted to continue that series providing yet one more item ecommerce sites may want to consider tracking.

07/01/2010 - The iPad and eComerce
The latest and greatest gadget from Apple has the potential to transform the online shopping experience, ecommerce experts say.

07/01/2010 - Profits From Abandoned Carts
Every ecommerce shopping cart that does not get pushed to checkout is a lost SALE.

07/01/2010 - Flea market community and news site launches at
Business Website offers daily news, how-to articles, hot product and supplier features, reader forums, and a directory of thousands of U.S. flea markets and swap meets.

07/01/2010 - Ecommerce Leads the Pack
Online retail SALES jumped 14 percent in the first quarter of 2010, according to an AdWeek report citing U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

06/01/2010 - Dropshipping 101
Simply put, dropshipping is selling something you don't own. While it may sound illegal, it's not.

06/01/2010 - Unlocking Ecommerce Software to Grow Your Business
It's one of the age-old dilemmas faced by business owners: You've got a terrific product or service to sell, but not a good means of selling it.

06/01/2010 - Home Furnishings & Housewares On Roll
The home furnishings and housewares segment of consumer goods has come through the economic downturn with mostly flying colors, according to both U.S. government statistics and purveyors of goods in the category

06/01/2010 - Tradition and Innovation at Solid Silver
A family jewelry business, Solid Silver Inc. was established back in 1986 Los Angeles by Voravudh Vorasuvin, then a recent émigré from Thailand.

06/01/2010 - Cracking the Code for Profits
The toy market has always been difficult to gauge. Ever changing fads, not to mention the luxury item status of many toys during tougher economic times

06/01/2010 - Tattoo Program Triples Your Profits
TAT International founder and owner, Kirk Knapp, has not had it easy in business. "Nine years ago I was broke," he says.

06/01/2010 - Tracking Email Campaigns
In past articles, I showed you how to track various paid search traffic channels using Google Analytics and Google's URL Builder

06/01/2010 - Facebook's Location Feature
Marketers are excited by the recent announcement by social networking giant Facebook of an upcoming location-based feature.

05/01/2010 - Successful Email Marketing
Many people hearing the term, "email marketing," think of spam cluttering up their inboxes from unwanted (and, unknown) companies, or occasional notes about upcoming SALES or coupons that may or may not be relevant to their lives and lifestyles.

05/01/2010 - Electronic Cigarettes
Thanks to Mike's Worldwide Imports, you are now free to smoke when you want.

05/01/2010 - A Warming Trend in Apparel
The finest clothing made is a skin, but of course society demands something more than this.

05/01/2010 - Sweet Success With Candy Concepts is not just about candy. In fact, candy now accounts for a mere ten to 15 percent of the company's SALES.

05/01/2010 - Best Days & Times for Emails
When considering how to get the most out of your email campaigns, do not overlook the timing of a send.

05/01/2010 - The Rise of Mobile Apps
To date, the world of mobile retail has been confined largely to promotion and marketing. But that looks to be changing greatly in the coming years, with a move into outright SALES and revenue production via mobile applications.

04/01/2010 - Trendy Fashion Fun at Doki Geki
For stores that cater to the junior market and rely on suppliers of hot, trendy, and cost effective items, is the place to buy.

04/01/2010 - Women's and Men's Fashion Accessories
Fashion is showing signs of coming into fashion again, with indications in some quarters that the much debated economic recovery is having a positive effect on apparel and accessories.

04/01/2010 - MAD By Design's Vietnamese Handbags
Doug Stein operated restaurants and night clubs in Asia for many years, and anyone who has ever been involved in that business know that it is exhausting.

04/01/2010 - Ten Tips for Improving Your WholeSALE Buying
Working with the right web-based general merchandise wholeSALEr can make or save you money and time.

04/01/2010 - Ten Best Shipping Practices
It's no secret: Shipping is one of the most essential factors in closing ecommerce SALES.

03/01/2010 - Gift Offers Preloaded Sites
After a retailer, eBay store, flea marketer or anyone else who sells product sets up an account at Gift, they can simply visit that website, order the product and have it shipped in their store's name to their customer

03/01/2010 - J & L WholeSALE Tobacco Accessories & More
Stores that serve the smoker will not only find a rich array of tobacco and smoking accessories at Allentown, PA based J & L WholeSALE Distributors, but also a potpourri of other products to boost SALES and profits.

03/01/2010 - Tracking MSN and Yahoo! PPC in Google Analytics
When fed the right data, Google Analytics can extract query string variables that may offer better reporting capabilities.

02/01/2010 - Retail 2010: Strategy for Success
I believe that 2010 will be a landmark year for retail. The first quarter is definitely going to be tough, and I think it is probable that some retailers will run out of gas and close their doors.

02/01/2010 - Online Shopping Boom Expected
The Internet looks to be poised to become an even bigger force than ever in the world of retail in 2010.

01/01/2010 - Small Electronics Review
Trying to recapture some "Ho-ho-ho," from this past holiday season, as opposed to the "No, no, no," that characterized most of 2009.

01/01/2010 - Higher Ranking For Fast Sites?
Businesses seeking that all important high Google ranking may soon find themselves having to streamline their websites in a big way, if they want to keep up with the changes Google may soon be putting in place.

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