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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for "credit cards" yielded 130 matches

10/01/2009 - Turn iPhone into POS Terminal
PHONETRANSACT.COM, an iPhone software developer, offers two retail related software programs that combine to give retailers a handy, portable CREDIT CARD and point of sale terminal.

10/01/2009 - Trendy Wallets and Handbags
GOLDEN RESOURCE TRADING offers 1,000 different fashion handbag styles, and another 200 different styles of wallets.

10/01/2009 - Fed Extends Loan Program
The Federal Reserve has extended a program intended to spur lending to consumers and small businesses, at lower rates.

10/01/2009 - Abandoned Cart Email
In a study of 500 online retail shopping websites, just 11 percent of Internet merchants sent email responses to shoppers who abandoned carts.

09/01/2009 - Vanguard Sunglasses Inc.
This company maintains an inventory of about 600 different styles of sunglasses for men, women and children, along with 300 styles of readers.

09/01/2009 - 9 Ways to Improve Marketing
Marketing is like a personal exercise regimen. In the day to day bustle, it often gets pushed off the front burner or even falls between the cracks altogether

08/01/2009 - Phone CARDS Are Winners
About two years ago, Pre-Paid Promotions Inc. began providing retailers with emergency phone CARDS with a sweepstakes attached.

08/01/2009 - Hottest Fall Handbags
Leading handbags designer and importer, Aliz International, Inc, is celebrating its 19th anniversary with their expanded Los Angeles location, Aliz California.

07/01/2009 - Test Marketing For Success
In his book, "Think And Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill says one major cause of business failure is business owners' propensity to make snap judgments and act on guesswork.

07/01/2009 - Key Ring Plus Pouch
RED BICYCLE BRANDS introduces The Keygaroo Key Ring, a key ring combined with a small pouch to hold essentials, such as lipstick, contact lenses, CREDIT CARDS and earphones.

05/01/2009 - Web Merchants Win in Court
Several federal court cases within the past year have ruled in favor of online retailers who had been charged with violating privacy laws that restrict the use of CREDIT CARD information.

04/01/2009 - Target Opens New Stores
While many retailers are cutting back on expansion plans and even closing many existing stores, Target has announced plans to open 27 new units, including its first in Hawaii.

04/01/2009 - Payments From Bank Accounts
A new payment system called Mazooma enables online shoppers to pay directly from their bank accounts.

04/01/2009 - NRF Defends Same As Cash
The National Retail Federation has asked Congress to overturn recent Federal Reserve regulations that would effectively ban popular "same as cash" offers.

03/01/2009 - Variety And Service Are Priority At Mid-America Liquidators
With 350 years of aggregated experience among its top level management team, Mid-America Liquidators...

03/01/2009 - Renewable Stationery
There are many types of natural, earth friendly stationery: recycled wrapping paper, plantable seed papers, hemp and other renewable products.

03/01/2009 - Icons for Easter
ICONEUM LLC is the source for more than 500 different religious items, and carries the full range of Catholic related products, except books and printed matter.

03/01/2009 - Diverse Products Push Sales
Diverse products and categories can fill the bill for kiosk and cart vendors, as long as the items grab shoppers' attention. Two companies with products that could hardly be farther apart highlight the diverse possibilities.

03/01/2009 - Bow Wow Bag
PRAIRIE MUTTS LLC introduces the Bow Wow Bag, which is a tote that attaches to a dog's leash and holds all the necessary dog walker equipment.

02/01/2009 - Words That Make Or Lose Money
During the recent holiday shopping season, I noticed many stores using terms that seemed to contradict their intended purpose (to generate sales).

02/01/2009 - Cash Flow: Key to Survival
Insufficient cash flow jeopardizes any business any time.

12/01/2008 - Customizing Wallets
LEATHER INC. offers fashionable flat wallets and cell phone pouches that are decorated with the retailer's choice of more than 100 different designs of silver and gold plated conchos.

11/01/2008 - Global Supply Chain Safety
The Internet's positive impact on global supply chain management is undeniable.

10/01/2008 - Using Live Chat to Boost Sales
It has been reported for some time now that adding an attended Live Chat strategy to a website can help increase sales.

10/01/2008 - Phubby The Wrist Cubby
SOUTH MILL DESIGN LLC has created Phubby the Wrist Cubby, a lycra spandex wrist band with a pocket.

10/01/2008 - Alliance Expands Prepaid CARDS
A new relationship between Citi, which is the world's largest provider of CREDIT CARDS, and Green Dot Corporation, which supplies retail based financial products and services, will expand the retail distribution of prepaid debit and gift CARDS.

09/01/2008 - Web Shoppers Cut Store Buys
An increasing number of online buyers have reported that their web purchases have reduced their buying of similar items in retail stores, according to the 2008 Digital Future Project from the Center for the Digital Future.

09/01/2008 - Ranking Wholesale Marketplaces
In this Internet era, sifting through all the available online marketplaces and search engines to find a wholesale supplier can be extremely time-consuming.

09/01/2008 - Liss Eliminates The Middleman
Twenty five years ago, Robert Liss recognized overseas manufacturers' need to obtain distribution in the U.S. and buyers' need to gain their products at affordable prices.

09/01/2008 - Ebay to Emphasize Fixed-Price Sales Format
Acknowledging that most online shoppers cannot be bothered with auctions, eBay plans Wednesday to announce changes to its fee structure that emphasize fixed prices over bidding.

08/01/2008 - Pens Carry Messages
RIGHT THOUGHT PENS from The Greeting Pen Company don't just write messages, they carry messages on their sides.

08/01/2008 - Online Fraud Rises
More consumers are being victimized by fraudulent use of their CREDIT and debit CARDS to make online purchases, according to research firm Javelin Strategy & Research.

08/01/2008 - Great Selection at Blanket Depot
George Merling, President of Blanket Depot, could be called a "Blanket Barron." Though it is only a five-year-old company, Blanket Depot has close to 2,500 blanket designs on their website.

08/01/2008 - Gaining Customer Confidence For More Sales
The Internet can provide store owners with a wider channel of distribution for their products.

08/01/2008 - Easy DVD Profits
Those who equate low priced DVDs with poor quality have never purchased from, a company which manufactures about 100,000 DVDs on-site every day using professional, digitized, high-definition printing.

08/01/2008 - Checkout Options
Some retailers and wholesalers are still using their websites as more of an online catalog than an ecommerce engine and it is a shame to see them leaving so much money on the table.

06/01/2008 - Payment System for Retailers
Authorize.Net has launched a new online payment service designed for specialty merchants that typically sell one item per order.

06/01/2008 - Innovative Signs, owned and operated by Andy Greenbaum, is an Internet business that sells signs. It carries close to 3,000 products, and is a comprehensive source of information about the wide variety he carries.

06/01/2008 - Changeable Banners
SIGNS SEEN supplies Velcro Changeable Banner, a signage system that uses Velcro to adhere plastic letters, numbers and symbols to the face of a vinyl banner.

05/01/2008 - SBA Offers Help
The U.S. Small Business Administration has launched Emerging 200 Initiative, a program designed to get entrepreneurs to the next level of success.

05/01/2008 - Cooler With Extras
WICKOOLER LLC introduces a patented beverage can cooler, WicKooler, that has pockets to hold other valuables and also has attitude in the form of a humorous message printed on the side.

05/01/2008 - Cool Feet Are Hot Items
The 13th century Persian poet, Rumi, wrote, "Let what you love be what you do," and Cindy Schultz, owner of is a perfect example of that.

04/01/2008 - Web Cash Payment Sparks Sales
As lending standards tighten and CREDIT CARD interest mounts, several online retailers are reacting by offering interest free, cash payment checkout options for shoppers.

04/01/2008 - Turning 10 Cents into $10 in Two Minutes at Tatstore.Com
Kirk Knapp owned and operated a Grand Rapids, MI area investment banking and brokerage business for years, before selling it in 1999.

04/01/2008 - Combating Security Fraud
What can be more frustrating then selling your products to a CREDIT CARD thief? The lawful owner of the CARD will likely eventually get reimbursed, but you will be left without your product and with a negative tally on your ledger.

03/01/2008 - Experience & Choice at Mid-America
With 350 years of aggregated experience among its top level management team, Mid-America Liquidators is perfectly positioned to give its retailer customers a wealth of advice in buying and selling profitably

02/01/2008 - Pain Eliminating Products
After 15 years of working in the restaurant industry, Mandy Chun Wah Or developed foot pain, a common occupational hazard

12/01/2007 - Sweet Smell Of Scent Success
Fragrances and scented products have a way of selling themselves, and there are scores of merchandise resellers cashing in on that very idea.

12/01/2007 - PCI Compliance Update
There are few things more important for ecommerce sites than being PCI DSS compliant.

12/01/2007 - Abandonment Solutions
Working hard attracting visitors, motivating them to add items to their cart, while later having them abandon the ordering process without buying is despairing.

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