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Your Search for "shoppers" yielded 255 matches

12/01/2008 - Good Web Shopping
If a SHOPPER has a bad experience on a retail website, the online merchant may never see that SHOPPER again, just as a store would not regain a disappointed SHOPPER.

11/01/2008 - Stop Shoplifting & Protect Your Store
Are shoplifters stealing your profits? According to The National Association of Shoplifting Prevention, "More than $13 billion worth of goods are stolen from retailers each year.

11/01/2008 - Shipping Promotions That Drive Sales
With the holidays quickly approaching, there is no better time to take a close look at the shipping offers you provide your customers.

11/01/2008 - Retailers See Strength Online
Online retailers reported profitability last year and believe online shopping will be more resilient than other channels in the months ahead, according to a newly released study by Forrester Research for

11/01/2008 - Ranking Buyer Satisfaction
Brick-and-mortar units outranked shopping websites when it comes to finding product information, according to the E-tailing Group's fourth annual crosschannel shopping study.

11/01/2008 - Purses to the Max
The owner of Max Purse, Avraham Reyhan, has been a successful apparel and handbag designer for 25 years.

11/01/2008 - Goes Global is now selling to consumers in Canada, the United Kingdom and throughout the European Union.

11/01/2008 - Integrity Drives Liquidation Innovation
It is said that necessity is the mother of all invention. This timeless adage certainly proved true for company founder and president Lisa Sperow when she started Madison Avenue Closeouts in 2002.

11/01/2008 - Holiday Email Tips
Major online retailers began sending holiday emails on October 28th last year, 58 days before Christmas, according to a new report.

11/01/2008 - Early Holiday Shopping
More than one in three holiday SHOPPERS, or 62.3 million adult consumers, report they begin holiday shopping before Thanksgiving.

11/01/2008 - Designers Move from Class to Mass
Such high fashion designers as Vera Wang and Stella McCartney are among those shifting to lower priced lines, in order to gain wider recognition across a broader customer base.

11/01/2008 - Consumers Love Coupons
As Americans attempt to stretch their disposable dollars, we are becoming a nation of coupon clippers.

11/01/2008 - Challenging Holiday Season
Forecasters see gains in retail sales over the holidays, but the gains are expected to be less than in years past.

11/01/2008 - Assessing a Store Location
Location is of critical importance to a retailer. Deciding where to place a new store or move a current one requires a lot of study and thought.

11/01/2008 - Aiming for Super Rich
Few could argue that it's good to be rich. A look at luxury retail sales suggests that for retailers, the best target is the really, really rich.

10/01/2008 - Prep Websites for Holidays
More consumers are expected to shop online this holiday season. Now is the time to make sure your retail website is ready to maximize the potential.

10/01/2008 - Offline Advertising Drives Online Traffic
Regardless of the medium, offline advertising is driving consumers online, according to a recent survey by JupiterResearch.

09/01/2008 - Web SHOPPERS Cut Store Buys
An increasing number of online buyers have reported that their web purchases have reduced their buying of similar items in retail stores, according to the 2008 Digital Future Project from the Center for the Digital Future.

09/01/2008 - Snare Holiday SHOPPERS
Three sure fire tactics for engaging holiday SHOPPERS online are: 1) an ever changing list of top gift items, 2) gift finders and 3) limited time sale offers. So say several online retail experts.

09/01/2008 - Promiscuous Purchasers
People between the ages of 40 and 59 represent the prime adult demographic that is making the majority of household spending decisions, according to a recent study.

09/01/2008 - Luxury Retail Update
In defiance of the lyrics of an old song that says, "The rich get rich and the poor get poorer," luxury retailers and their landlords report that the rich are stepping back from shopping at luxury stores right now.

09/01/2008 - Ebay to Emphasize Fixed-Price Sales Format
Acknowledging that most online SHOPPERS cannot be bothered with auctions, eBay plans Wednesday to announce changes to its fee structure that emphasize fixed prices over bidding.

09/01/2008 - Early Holiday Web Marketing
While most consumers don't start holiday shopping in earnest until the day after Thanksgiving, online retailers should begin marketing for the season as early as October, according to MarketLive Inc., an eCommerce platform provider.

09/01/2008 - Call Center Tracking
In general, retailers' call centers are helping to solve their SHOPPERS' problems.

09/01/2008 - Back to School Trends
One fifth of parents nationwide have set aside a portion of their stimulus check for back to school purchases

08/01/2008 - SHOPPERS Like Peer Reviews
The popularity of SHOPPERS' online reviews of products is leading to the use of peer reviews in emails, too.

08/01/2008 - Offers PayPal Later Inc. is offering a new delayed payment option, PayPal Pay Later. The PayPal Pay Later service gives customers a credit account with flexible financing options, even if a buyer doesn't have a PayPal account.

08/01/2008 - Long Waits Harm Retailers
One in ten SHOPPERS will leave a checkout line if the wait is too long.

08/01/2008 - Gaining Customer Confidence For More Sales
The Internet can provide store owners with a wider channel of distribution for their products.

08/01/2008 - Fees Squelch Web Sales
One reason why online SHOPPERS abandon shopping carts is the shipping fee, according to a recent survey by comScore Inc., conducted by PayPal.

08/01/2008 - Economy Favors Online Growth
While consumers expect to decrease their overall spending this year, according to a recent survey, the decline will take place more offline than online.

08/01/2008 - Checkout Options
Some retailers and wholesalers are still using their websites as more of an online catalog than an ecommerce engine and it is a shame to see them leaving so much money on the table.

08/01/2008 - BabyEarth Unveils Demo On Demand
BabyEarth, the eco friendly baby goods retailer based in Austin, TX, has launched BabyEarthLIVE, which utilizes webcam technology to give online SHOPPERS an in-store experience. The interactive service is free.

07/01/2008 - Nordstrom Adds Store Pick-Up
By September, Nordstrom Inc. expects to enable SHOPPERS at its website to pick up product at the nearest store.

07/01/2008 - Customer Surveys Reveal Site Weaknesses
In its simplest form, a dam is a structural system that controls the flow of water. It can stop the flow completely, or it can be opened up to allow water to flow through in a controlled manner.

06/01/2008 - Gas Prices Drive SHOPPERS To Web
Concerns about the economy and rising gasoline prices may send more SHOPPERS to the web. They cite the convenience and savings on gas in a recent survey by the investment firm of Piper Jaffray.

05/01/2008 - Veteran Web Buyers VS. Rookies
Nearly three quarters of U.S. consumers say they have shopped online, according to Forrester Research

05/01/2008 - SHOPPERS Research Online
Researching online prior to buying continues to gain among today's online SHOPPERS.

04/01/2008 - Web Cash Payment Sparks Sales
As lending standards tighten and credit card interest mounts, several online retailers are reacting by offering interest free, cash payment checkout options for SHOPPERS.

04/01/2008 - Specialty Retail Success
Retail success is ultimately based on a foundation of product, place, people and time. Smart entrepreneurs consider all four thoughtfully before launching any new retail venture, or developing a strategy for expansion.

04/01/2008 - SHOPPERS Shift Channels
Televised shopping shows and infomercials remain powerful ways to interest consumers in buying.

04/01/2008 - Google Tops Searches
One quarter of online SHOPPERS open the door via search engines, according to Hitwise, the Internet research firm. This is the same percent that came from search engines a year ago.

02/01/2008 - Affluent Love Bargains
It's hardly surprising that consumers would cite price as the most important factor in clinching an online purchase.

01/01/2008 - Web Buying Habits
Easy search tools were seen as the most useful and desired characteristic of retail websites in a recent survey from The E-tailing Group Inc.

01/01/2008 - SHOPPERS Need Visuals
"People don't shop by reading text, they shop by visuals, like color and style," said Joe Chung, CEO and co founder of Allurent Inc., a web technology firm.

01/01/2008 - New Tactics for Sears
Sears Holding Corporation has instituted a number of new initiatives. Chief among them is an innovative service that crosses the company's Internet and brick and mortar shopping channels.

01/01/2008 - Generating Post Sale Buys
In the last column I provided ten sure-fire ways to reduce your shopping cart abandonment rate.

01/01/2008 - Catching Eyes at Kiosks
Products sold from kiosks and carts must have visual appeal. The greatest new products can get lost in the shuffle, if they are not displayed in a manner that attracts SHOPPERS' attention.

12/01/2007 - What Do Buyers Want?
In a world crowded with counterfeits, SHOPPERS are drawn to the authentic, a characteristic that retailers must learn to earn.

12/01/2007 - The Affluent Shop the Web
The affluent are popular online SHOPPERS.

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