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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for "website" yielded 500 matches

12/01/2010 - Fragrance Sales Not Wafting Away
From perfume to incense to air fresheners, scented products continue to draw customers to retail checkouts, even in a stinky economy.

12/01/2010 - Sunny Outlook For Solarrific
Grace King is a wholesaler with a mission. "I started my company in 2007, when the price of oil was getting high.

12/01/2010 - Mobile Commerce
With all the talk of iPhones, apps, Blackberrys and like-minded "smart" devices, at some point, if not already, you need to consider when it is right to make a move to mobile commerce.

12/01/2010 - Chat Software Offers E-Tailers a Chance to Close The Deal
For retailers the world over, looky-loos are a frustrating problem, but at least brick-and-mortar retailers can chat with browsers who are "just looking," and maybe even convert them into paying customers.

12/01/2010 - Hot Sauce Claws Out Competition
The gourmet hot sauce market is a competitive one, says Robert McDade, president of New Orleans based Natural Selections. Brands compete as much on the basis of how the product looks on the shelf as on the way the sauce tingles the tongue.

11/18/2010 - DollarDays Introduces SBA Backed Loan Offering to Help Small Business Owners
Leading online wholesaler DollarDays now offers an SBA loan program through its WEBSITE to help small business owners secure funding.

11/01/2010 - Email Etiquette and Disclaimers
Observing the rules of email etiquette can be a quick and painless component of marketing your products or services to existing and prospective customers.

11/01/2010 - Via Trading Adds Spanish-Language Site
In November 2002, Via Trading made its first sale.

11/01/2010 - Alligator Heads For Smiles & Profits
You never know where a hobby like fossil collecting might lead you. Just ask Robert McDade, CEO and founder of Natural Selections Inc., who started collecting fossils and minerals as a hobby.

11/01/2010 - Sporting Goods
Is there such a thing as an industry that's truly recession-proof?

11/01/2010 - Ecommerce Holiday Checklist
The holidays are quickly approaching, and retailers should already be pushing promos geared to these dates.

11/01/2010 - Treasure Seekers Unite
An online community of independent ecommerce retailers has launched several new services in a bid to become even more useful to its network of online merchants.

11/01/2010 - Web Retailers Go Global
A new report from Forrester Research says the frontier of online retailing is going global.

10/01/2010 - Landing Page Optimization
Many online entrepreneurs are content with letting their WEBSITEs' home pages sell their goods for them.

10/01/2010 - Quality Italian Air Fresheners
Car wash magnate Ira Feinberg has been an entrepreneur, inventor, and industry expert for close to 50 years.

10/01/2010 - Pampered Princess Booms Online
Sharee Kowalski was a mom selling wholesale jewelry out of the trunk of her car 20 years ago.

10/01/2010 - Jewelry & Watches Rebound
Time may indeed heal all wounds, as the old saying goes, if the recent performance of the jewelry and watches segment of the economy is any indicator.

10/01/2010 - Turning Web Shoppers into Buyers
Many online store owners have the impression that all they have to do is attract more traffic and sales rise.

09/11/2010 - Building Online Revenue with Affiliate Programs
Everyone wants to make more money. Affiliate programs are a great way to make more money with relatively little effort.

09/09/2010 - Wholesale Central's New Data Security Standards, the top-ranked business-to-business directory for general merchandise buyers, distributors, importers and manufacturers, was recently certified PCI Compliant.

09/01/2010 - Gifts, Candles and Incense Trends
When it comes to the aromatic arts, giftware sellers are generally well stocked, and contrary to national economic news, well satisfied.

09/01/2010 - Giftbliss Succeeds With Snow To Go
Giftbliss Sales started up in 1993 as a manufacturers' rep group.

09/01/2010 - Big Lots For Small Retailers
Justin Starnes, general manager of Eagle Eye Wholesalers, is still young but possesses more experience than many retail veterans.

09/01/2010 - Improving Quality Scores
If you are managing any form of advertising, getting the biggest bang for your buck should be at the top of your mind.

09/01/2010 - Rules of Mobile Marketing
In today's four-screen marketing world, designing an ideal mobile site is becoming more important than ever for the e-retailer.

09/01/2010 - Adds Video To Industry Leading Wholesale Merchandise WEBSITE, the top-ranked business-to-business directory for general merchandise buyers, distributors, importers and manufacturers, today announced the addition of wholesale merchandise videos to its top-ranked WEBSITE.

08/01/2010 - Bottle Docker
Bottle Docker is a personal bottle beverage carrier, and although it may not be the first, it is one of the most innovative.

08/01/2010 - Rotating MOVA Globe
The amazing MOVA Globe is a truly one of a kind item that's powered by solar energy and the earth's magnetism, so that no batteries or wires are required.

08/01/2010 - New Site Sparks Eros Hosiery Success
A family wholesale business with a long tradition of success is embracing new technology with a completely redesigned WEBSITE and back-end system.

08/01/2010 - The Party Animal Inc. Unveils Lil' Teammates
Party Animal Inc. has become the talk of the sports toy industry this year, thanks to a new line called Lil' Teammates.

08/01/2010 - Christmas & Holiday Preview
Might the nation's cash registers be set jing-jing-jingling again this upcoming holiday season?

08/01/2010 - The Rise of Jewelry Accessories
The jewelry accessory category is one for which the demand has been growing.

08/01/2010 - Creating a Sale Capturing Checkout Process
The checkout process is one of the most important parts of a successful ecommerce site.

08/01/2010 - Latest wholesale data show big year-over-year boost
Sales of goods at the wholesale level held steady over the last month but rose substantially over the year, according to the most recent data from the Census Bureau.

08/01/2010 - Twitter, Facebook & Your Business
The use of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to improve connections with your customer base has been documented in these pages in the past.

07/01/2010 - Blogging for Business Success
Over the past several years, "blog" has become one of those commonplace terms with which everyone is familiar

07/01/2010 - Produce Freshies
Studies show that nearly one quarter of all fresh produce purchased in America is thrown away because it goes bad.

07/01/2010 - Flame Out Your Candles
Steve Korniak's Crown Enterprises offers a unique new product called Flame Out, a handheld device consisting of a sqeezeable bulb and spout, for use in blowing out candles

07/01/2010 - Boo-Boo Bling
The idea for Boo-Boo-Bling, a unique bandage decoration that turns unsightly scars and blemishes into fashion accessories, came about the old-fashioned way

07/01/2010 - Write on Car Marker
From SisBro Industries comes the Write On Car Marker, a temporary white liquid marker.

07/01/2010 - Vent Clipps from Car-Freshner
From Car-Freshner Corporation, the company behind the classic, instantly recognizable, "Little Trees," comes something new: Vent Clipps.

07/01/2010 - No Business Like Snow Business
After one of its products became a breakout best-seller, Gift Bliss had to grapple with the challenges of success. While most wholesalers carry a range of products, none would complain if just one of those items became a hot seller.

07/01/2010 - A Walk Through the Footwear Industry
Some 18 months ago, the footwear industry was very much feeling the effects of the global economic crisis.

07/01/2010 - The Party Animal Unveils Lil' Teammates
The Party Animal Inc. is the talk of the sports toy industry this year,

07/01/2010 - Track Google Product Search Traffic in Google Analytics
Since measurement is the key to success, I wanted to continue that series providing yet one more item ecommerce sites may want to consider tracking.

07/01/2010 - The iPad and eComerce
The latest and greatest gadget from Apple has the potential to transform the online shopping experience, ecommerce experts say.

07/01/2010 - Profits From Abandoned Carts
Every ecommerce shopping cart that does not get pushed to checkout is a lost sale.

07/01/2010 - Flea market community and news site launches at
Business WEBSITE offers daily news, how-to articles, hot product and supplier features, reader forums, and a directory of thousands of U.S. flea markets and swap meets.

06/01/2010 - Dropshipping 101
Simply put, dropshipping is selling something you don't own. While it may sound illegal, it's not.

06/01/2010 - Unlocking Ecommerce Software to Grow Your Business
It's one of the age-old dilemmas faced by business owners: You've got a terrific product or service to sell, but not a good means of selling it.

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