How to Use EZFeed on Wholesale Central

EZFeed is a tool in your Seller Admin that allows you to upload your products into the Wholesale Product Search, putting your merchandise in front of the largest audience of wholesale buyers in one single location on the Internet. EZFeed is FREE to members of When you upload your product feed, it stays in the Product Search until you purge it or upload a new data feed to replace it.

Note to Wholesale Central Storefront users: EZFeed does NOT upload items into your storefront. EZFeed is a tool for members who have their own e-commerce site, to load their items into the Product Search. Items that you place in your Wholesale Central store are automatically included in the Product Search.

1. Register store

Register your store

You must register your online storefront before you can use the EZ Feed system to upload your product data feed.

  1. Log in to your Wholesale Central Account Manager.
  2. Click the EZ Feed link.
  3. Click the Register Your Store link.
  4. Complete the form and click the Submit Store Registration button.
  5. Check back on the Register Your Store page the next day to see if your registration has been approved.

All new store registrations are reviewed every business day by our staff. When your online storefront is approved, you can begin uploading your data feed.

2. Create file

Your data feed must be a tab-delimited text file. You can create a tab-delimited text file using a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel, or export one with most any database or shopping cart program. See instructions for specific shopping carts.

Your data feed file can contain up to 10,000 items. Each row of the spreadsheet represents one item. Your spreadsheet should have six columns, as shown in the image below.

EZFeed spreadsheet
Download the sample EZFeed data file used in this example in Excel format — right-click and save this file: ezfeedTemplate.xls. When you are done preparing your file, remember to save it as a tab-delimited text file.
  1. Product URL — (required) The complete web address for this item. Maximum of 200 characters. Example: The Product URL must match the store URL that was entered when your store was registered for EZFeed. The first four characters in the Product URL must be "http".
  2. Product Name — (required) must match the name on the Product URL page. Maximum of 100 characters.
  3. Product Description — Must match the description on the Product URL page. Should contain complete sentences and no line breaks. Maximum of 300 characters.
  4. Image URL — The web address for the image of this product. This must be the image that appears on the Product page on your website. Be sure the URL ends in an acceptable image file extension such as: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .webp, .heic. The image URL can be a Maximum of 200 characters.
  5. Product Category — If your storefront has product categories, enter the product category for this item here. If you do not include category information, you must include a blank column in its place. Maximum of 50 characters.
  6. Product Price — (required, unless the store is password protected). Must match the price on the Product page on your website. If your shopping cart is password protected, you may omit this entire column. Maximum of 50 characters.
  7. Pinnacle Code — If you are generating your EZFeed file from a Pinnacle Cart website, an additional column is created containing a Pinnacle Cart code.
Most EZFeed uploads contain the 6 columns as described. The only column you may omit is the Product Price (column F) if your storefront is password protected. If you don't have category information to import, you must still include a blank column E as a placeholder for the category column. Incorrect number or sequence of columns will cause the import to fail.

If your spreadsheet contains column headings in the first row (as shown in the spreadsheet image), delete the first row. The first row should contain product data for the first product in your list. When you are ready to save your file, choose the File menu, select Save As... and save your spreadsheet file as Tab Delimited Text with a "txt" file extension.

Verify your data file

It is highly recommended to check your data file for errors before uploading.

  1. Using Microsoft Word or a similar program, open the tab delimited text file you previously saved.
  2. Enable the display of non-printing or hidden characters if necessary so you can see paragraph marks and other characters (highlighted in blue in the screen to the right). In MS Word 2007, you display hidden characters by clicking the paragraph icon (¶) in the Paragraph section of the Home tab.
  3. Notice in the example below, tabs separate the fields in your product information. Also notice that there is a paragraph mark at the end of each item. Any additional paragraph marks within any field should not be present and will cause your import to fail.

Once you have verified your data file, you are ready to upload to the EZFeed server.

If the first row of your file contains column headings, make sure you delete that row. Check your file in a word processor or advanced text editor and remove any extraneous paragraph marks, tabs, or other characters from within the content of the fields.

3. Upload file

Before you can begin uploading your products, you must create an FTP account. You only have to do this once.

  1. Log in to your Wholesale Central Account Manager.
  2. Click the EZFeed Link.
  3. Click the FTP Account link.
  4. Click the Create FTP Account button.

Once your FTP account is created, an Upload button will appear on your EZFeed admin page. Use this button to upload your data feed.

You can upload a new file as often as every day, if you wish. Data feeds expire after 60 days.

  1. Click the Browse... button. In some web browsers, it may be a Choose File button.
  2. Select the data file on your computer and click the Open button.
  3. Click the Upload button.
  4. If your file contains errors, you will see the Review and Complete screen (step 4). If the file is acceptable, click the Submit button. Your items will normally appear in the product search the next day.
When you upload a new EZFeed data file, the new file completely replaces the existing file; it does not add to it. So be sure that the file you are uploading contains your complete set of items.

You can also FTP your data feed file.

  1. Launch your FTP client on your computer.
  2. Log in with the following settings:
    • Server:
    • User Name: (your user name. case sensitive)
    • Password: (your user name. case sensitive)
    • Protocol: FTP
    • Port: 21
  3. Upload your data feed file.

4. Review & submit

Note: If your file contains no errors, the server will process your file automatically. After you have transferred your data feed, login to your Wholesale Central Account Manager and review the EZFeed results to be sure the data looks correct. Once you have reviewed it, submit the data feed for processing by the server.

  1. Log into your Wholesale Central Account Manager.
  2. Click the EZFeed link.
  3. If there is a green message under the "Review and Complete" link, you are done.
  4. If there were any errors, you will see a red error message. Click the "Review and Complete" link for details. The first few error items will appear in a table labeled Rejected Items. Use the instructions on this page for how to correct common errors. If all is well, click the Submit Data Feed button.

Your items will be processed by the server and should be included in the Product Search on the next business day.


If the Wholesale Central Account Manager reports errors in one or more items that have been uploaded, take a look at these common data file issues:

  • Open the file in a spreadsheet program.
  • Are there six columns? No more, no less. Exception: If your site is password protected you may omit the final Price column. In that case only, your file can have five columns. If your EZFeed file is generated from a Pinnacle Cart site, an additional column is added containing a Pinnacle Cart code.
  • Are your columns in the correct order?
  • Make sure the first line is a product, and not column headings. You can insert a header row as a guide to make data input easier for you, but you MUST delete it before saving and uploading your file.
  • Did you save your file as a TAB delimited text file? Tab delimited text files end with a ".txt" extension. EZ Feed will not recognize other file types. We also recommend opening the file in a word processor to verify that the file is tab delimited — not comma delimited.

We can help! If you need help at any point, feel free to call our customer support department at 800-999-8281 x297.