Wholesale Central is the leading online B2B directory of active wholesalers and wholesale products. Buyers can visit the site and browse through over 50 categories to find suppliers that meet their needs. As a member, you are listed in any category that fits your product line. You can link your listing directly to your Wholesale Central profile page, your own wholesale website, or open a free Wholesale Central store.
There are two main ways a buyer can find your company on WholesaleCentral.com.
Buyers find your company using a category search, or product search
Category search results are randomized daily. Many categories have companies listed at the top of the page in the Sponsored section. Those are paid advertising spots and are limited to five companies per category. Contact your account representative or call 800-999-8281 for more information.
There are two ways to get your products into the Product Search:
Your Listing Description is the short description that appears below your company name in our directory. Buyers form their first impression based on your listing description. Your description should include information about your company and products, as well as your strongest selling points - things that set you apart from your competitors.
Being in the correct categories is another important step towards your success with Wholesale Central. All requests for categories must be emailed to us for review and approval. To qualify for a category, there must be a significant presence or description of relevant products on your website or in your storefront.
In order to qualify for a category, there must be a significant presence or description of relevant products on your website or in your storefront. Delivering quality search results is one of the reasons Wholesale Central is number one in our industry. This is why we carefully review category requests.
It's important to keep your billing and contact information up to date. If you change phone numbers, relocate the business, or have someone new handling your Wholesale Central account, please be sure to visit this section of your account and update all of the necessary information.
Your Company Profile Page is a powerful marketing tool. It is important to fill out your Profile Page completely and add several images, a logo, and other company information. A complete Profile Page will make your business look more professional.
Click here to learn about our mobile-friendly Profile/Landing Page Upgrade option.
This is an excellent resource for tracking clicks from your Wholesale Central listing and from Product Searches. You can search by date range to spot trends, or search by categories to see where you are getting the most traffic. You can also view clicks from some advertising spots you may be running.
EZFeed allows you to load your products into the Wholesale Product Search, putting your merchandise in front of the largest audience of wholesale buyers in one single location on the Internet. This free tool is available to members who have a wholesale e-commerce site.
If you're using a Wholesale Central storefront, you DO NOT need to import your products. They are automatically included in the Product Search.
Your data feed must be a tab-delimited text file. You can manually create a tab-delimited text file using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or export your products from your shopping cart software and edit the file. Each row of the spreadsheet represents one item. Your spreadsheet should have six columns appearing in the following order: Product URL, Name, Description, Image URL, Category, Price.
Sample EZFeed file used for importing products into the Product Search
TIP: Descriptive product names and descriptions improve your chances of being found in the Product Search.
Click here for detailed EZFeed instructions.
If you do not have a wholesale ecommerce website, you can set up a FREE storefront – included with your Wholesale Central membership. The instructions below will take you through the general store settings, as well as adding items and images to your store.
This is the main menu for managing your store. You can return to the main storefront manager page at any time by clicking the STORE MANAGER heading at the top of the screen.
To begin working on your storefront, log into your account. On the Account Manager page, click Your Storefront (4). From the Store Manager, you create your overall store settings and add inventory.
Manage your storefront from the The Store Manager screen
This is where you will personalize your store settings - including contact information, payment/shipping methods, some design settings, etc.
The Real Time Shipping option requires you to enter the weight and dimension of each of your products. This calculated, weight-based shipping cost is often very different than the actual shipping cost when shipping multiple items in one box. For this reason, most members prefer to weigh and measure the final package themselves in order to get more accurate shipping charges for their customers.
This is where you will add departments to your store and add and manage all of your items.
This is where you will customize and preview your store's order form. Under Advanced Users you will find the following options.
Item Name and Brief Description are used by our product search engine, so be sure to use keywords that buyers are likely to search.
Products added to your store will be visible immediately but can take up to 24 hours to be included in the Product Search on the home page of Wholesale Central.
When you are ready, make sure you open your store.
When your store is set up and you have entered your merchandise, you are ready to open your store. Opening your store makes it available to buyers.
If you use our simple Profile Page for company info and decide to open a Wholesale Central storefront, you can change your link to bypass the Profile Page and bring buyers directly to your store. Once your store is open, here is how to change your link:
In the Store Manager, click Process Orders. Enter a date range and click Show Orders. You will see a list of all new orders. Click each order to see order details.
If you have deals, closeouts or special promotions, you can post them on our popular Deals & Steals page for FREE! Deals are reviewed by our staff and posted regularly - usually within 24-48 hours. Deals stay posted for fifteen days at a time. Please keep in mind that in order to qualify for this page, you must post a legitimate special offer, discount or deal, above and beyond your usual wholesale pricing.
We offer a free Product Locator Service to buyers, in which buyers can email their product requests to sellers in our network. You can subscribe to Product Locator categories and receive product requests from buyers.
Call our customer support department at 1-800-999-8281 ext. 297