The image resizing tool on allows you to resize your images for your company Profile Page or Shopping Cart on Wholesale Central. No technical knowledge is required. The image sizes have been preset for you so you will be able to upload your images successfully to Wholesale Central.
You can resize a single image or multiple images if appropriate. When the resizing is complete, you then save the image to your computer â?? normally in your Downloads folder. If you resize multiple images, a compressed (zip) file will be saved to your Downloads folder. Double-click to expand the zip file and your images will be extracted to a new folder, ready to upload.
Your company logo will be resized to 260 pixels wide.
Your company logo will be resized to 90 pixels wide.
Your featured image will be resized to 625 pixels wide.
Your product showcase images will be resized to 280 pixels by 280 pixels square.
Your shopping cart images will be resized to 500 pixels on the longest side.