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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " Click to Buy" yielded 94 matches

08/01/2009 - Five Paid Search Myths
My previous few articles revealed details on what it takes TO run a more profitable paid search campaign.

07/01/2009 - LLD Gift of Knowledge
The Life Learning Device (LLD) is a revolutionary new TOol which allows people TO expand their wisdom with a TOuch of the butTOn.

07/01/2009 - Common Pay Per CLICK Mistakes
Pay per CLICK advertising can increase traffic TO your website, and also expand your knowledge of your market.

06/01/2009 - Winning Sports Souvenirs
Thanks TO Prizes!, sports fans throughout the U.S. have a means of showing their undying devotion TO their favorite teams.

06/01/2009 - Wholesalers Expand Online Offerings
Internet wholesale suppliers large and small are enhancing their online marketing and sales strategies TO help their retailer cusTOmers get more bang for the buck.

06/01/2009 - 4 Ways TO Increase ROI of Your PPC Campaigns
Many see running a profitable paid search campaign as an art.

05/01/2009 - Trendy Fashion Fun at Doki Geki
For sTOres that cater TO the junior market and rely on suppliers of hot, trendy, and cost effective items, is the place TO BUY.

04/01/2009 - Three Big eCommerce Tips
With the economic crisis forcing small business owners TO slash costs, while trying TO build up sales and revenue, ecommerce is increasingly seen as an attractive market environment.

04/01/2009 - Innovative Products at Silver Streak
Mike Mallon, CEO of Silver Streak Ind., knows how TO help his cusTOmers move product.

02/01/2009 - Asias Got the Goods
"Made in China" is a tag that most American consumers are familiar with. Asia has long been a great source of merchandise, ranging from TOys TO electronics TO jewelry, apparel and accessories.

01/01/2009 - BUYers Love Kelli's Gifts
One of the many reasons Kelli's Gift Shop Suppliers is so successful is because Mike and Lori Cohen spent twenty years BUYing for their own 100 or so gift shops before they began selling TO others.

11/01/2008 - Purses TO the Max
The owner of Max Purse, Avraham Reyhan, has been a successful apparel and handbag designer for 25 years.

11/01/2008 - Holiday Email Tips
Major online retailers began sending holiday emails on OcTOber 28th last year, 58 days before Christmas, according TO a new report.

10/01/2008 - Service Speeds Gift Card Access
Omni Prepaid Group, LLC, based in Pittsburgh and operaTOr of, has announced that it is Visa certified and has brought its gift card printing operations in-house.

08/01/2008 - Gaining CusTOmer Confidence For More Sales
The Internet can provide sTOre owners with a wider channel of distribution for their products.

07/01/2008 - Nostalgia Reigns At Desperate Enterprises
In his book, "Walden," Henry David Thoreau asked, "Why should we be in such a desperate haste TO succeed in such desperate enterprises?

06/01/2008 - Wholesalers Ease Web BUYing
Retailers and other BUYers who go online TO research and obtain products are finding it easier TO navigate wholesalers' websites.

06/01/2008 - Tips for Designing Websites
Have you ever stepped back, looked at your website, scratched your head and wondered, "I think my site looks good, so why is it not generating sales?"

05/01/2008 - Identity Marketing
Retailers employ different marketing strategies these days. As competition for consumers' disposable dollars intensifies, retailers take very different routes TO improving and maintaining their market share.

04/01/2008 - Selling By Instinct At OBI
Tim Choklett, President of Opportunity BUYs, Inc. (OBI), instinctively understands what people want. In grade school, he removed the centers of books TO sell pieces of bubblegum he had purchased in bags.

04/01/2008 - Rhino Mart Charges Ahead
Like the principles in Rhinoceros Success, the book that inspired him, Drawlon Tsang, owner of Rhino Mart, is a focused, take charge person who has always accomplished his goals.

03/01/2008 - Best Web Sourcing
When sourcing wholesale merchandise, where do emarketers find the best products and prices for items being made in the U.S.A, China and other manufacturing markets?

02/01/2008 - Golden Compass Increases Web Sales
I have noticed a recurring problem among merchants who have contacted me TO help them increase their website sales.

01/01/2008 - Closeout & Liquidation Forecast
After the holiday season, retailers will be sending back countless truckloads of valuable unsold and returned merchandise.

12/01/2007 - Sweet Smell Of Scent Success
Fragrances and scented products have a way of selling themselves, and there are scores of merchandise resellers cashing in on that very idea.

11/01/2007 - Novelties & Souvenirs On Hot Streak
Sales for novelties and souvenirs never seem TO go out of style, especially as we head down the homestretch TO the holiday season.

11/01/2007 - Five Steps TO Successful Pay Per CLICK
There are three ways TO grow a business.

11/01/2007 - Beaver Gumball Machine
Beaver Gumball Machines, the Cadillac of the industry and previously available only TO wholesalers and distribuTOrs, now has a consumer version available for resellers.

10/01/2007 - Strategies TO Skyrocket Web Sales
In the last issue of Web Wholesaler, I explained how TO overcome a high bounce rate of visiTOrs arriving on your website, only TO immediately leave without taking one step deeper inTO your site.

10/01/2007 - Fun Friends
In 1998, Julian Parry, CEO and co-founder of Fun Friends, a company that manufactures novelty cell phone covers, was a man with a vision, but he did not know it.

10/01/2007 - Fashion Accessories: Never Out Of Season
The leading sales category for the past two holiday seasons has been Apparel & Clothing, which saw double digit growth, year over year.

09/01/2007 - Social Shopping Sites
People who love TO shop, also love TO talk about shopping.

09/01/2007 - Innovative Products From Hi-Dow
Hi-Dow began in 2002 as the U.S. distribution point for the Massage Mouse, the U.S. version of a successful product manufactured and distributed in China.

09/01/2007 - BUYers Network Streamlined Wholesale BUYing has a unique and revolutionary service for resellers called BUYers Network.

08/01/2007 - Simple Navigation
Avoid clever and unique features when designing web site navigation, advises consultant Jennifer Bailey of Red Spade, a firm that specializes in web site usability.

08/01/2007 - Apparel Heats Up Fall Sales
Few product categories match apparel when it comes TO merchandising revenue from August through the rest of the year.

07/01/2007 - Merchants Set Up Shop at Facebook
Facebook Inc., the online social network with 24 million active users, now allows merchandisers TO develop applications that its users can add TO their personal pages. Various name brands have already jumped inTO the fray.

05/01/2007 - Shoppers CotTOn TO Email
Email marketing is a hit with shoppers, according TO a new report from Forrester Research.

05/01/2007 - Heavenly Body Offers Bulk For Big Savings
Sir Markadoo, the owner of Heavenly Body Products, is shifting a portion of his business TO large bulk shipments that give resellers the opportunity for significant markups.

04/01/2007 - Small Wholesalers' Marketing Tips
The invenTOry is all set and the website is complete, so all that is left is TO flip the switch and go live.

04/01/2007 - Google Premieres Checkout
Google unveiled a series of aggressive money saving promotions over the past few months, intended TO hasten the adoption of its new Google Checkout feature among online retailers and consumers.

03/01/2007 - Finding Items with Product LocaTOr
Each month, the Tech Tips column takes you on an in-depth TOur of a different power feature that you can use on TO help grow your business.

02/01/2007 - Personalize Web Shopping
Personalization techniques can not only help an online retailer get more cusTOmers, it can also build loyalty and add TO tickets by cross selling and getting more shoppers TO trade up.

01/01/2007 - 10 Tips TO Build Sales
Believe it or not, many retailers fail TO respond TO inquiries that could lead TO additional business. Salespeople often dismiss phone calls, email queries, web page CLICK throughs and web impressions as, "window shoppers."

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