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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " web sales" yielded 230 matches

06/01/2010 - Unlocking Ecommerce Software to Grow Your Business
It's one of the age-old dilemmas faced by business owners: You've got a terrific product or service to sell, but not a good means of selling it.

06/01/2010 - Tradition and Innovation at Solid Silver
A family jewelry business, Solid Silver Inc. was established back in 1986 Los Angeles by Voravudh Vorasuvin, then a recent émigré from Thailand.

05/01/2010 - Successful Email Marketing
Many people hearing the term, "email marketing," think of spam cluttering up their inboxes from unwanted (and, unknown) companies, or occasional notes about upcoming SALES or coupons that may or may not be relevant to their lives and lifestyles.

05/01/2010 - Best Days & Times for Emails
When considering how to get the most out of your email campaigns, do not overlook the timing of a send.

05/01/2010 - The Rise of Mobile Apps
To date, the world of mobile retail has been confined largely to promotion and marketing. But that looks to be changing greatly in the coming years, with a move into outright SALES and revenue production via mobile applications.

04/01/2010 - MAD By Design's Vietnamese Handbags
Doug Stein operated restaurants and night clubs in Asia for many years, and anyone who has ever been involved in that business know that it is exhausting.

04/01/2010 - Ten Tips for Improving Your WholeSALE Buying
Working with the right WEB-based general merchandise wholeSALEr can make or save you money and time.

03/01/2010 - Gift Offers Preloaded Sites
After a retailer, eBay store, flea marketer or anyone else who sells product sets up an account at Gift, they can simply visit that WEBsite, order the product and have it shipped in their store's name to their customer

02/01/2010 - Online Shopping Boom Expected
The Internet looks to be poised to become an even bigger force than ever in the world of retail in 2010.

01/01/2010 - Higher Ranking For Fast Sites?
Businesses seeking that all important high Google ranking may soon find themselves having to streamline their WEBsites in a big way, if they want to keep up with the changes Google may soon be putting in place.

01/01/2010 - Building Trust Online
Although a number of factors come into play when a customer makes a buying decision on the Internet, none is more important than trust.

11/01/2009 - Optimizing Conversion
A majority of Internet retailers and other online businesses are failing to take advantage of analytics technology, in order to optimize WEBsite content to better convert online browsers to buyers, according to a recent study by Omniture Inc

11/01/2009 - Closeout Central Partners with TMC has been selected as the official wholeSALE directory of the Transworld Merchandise Center. Closeout Central, established by Sumner Communications Inc. in 1996, is the Internet's oldest and most respected closeout directory.

10/01/2009 - What's Hot for the Holidays?, which has released early predictions of big sellers for Black Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving) for the past six years, predicts what's hot for Black Friday 2009.

10/01/2009 - Paid Search Boosts SALES
Paid search, often called sponsored search, in which WEBsite owners pay an advertising fee on search engines, is more likely than organic search to bring in buyers, according to a recent study.

10/01/2009 - Named Official WholeSALE Directory of The Transworld Merchandise Cente
Closeout Capital of America and Top Internet Closeout Directory strike dynamic cross promotional marketing deal.

09/01/2009 - WholeSALE Central hits 600,000 items, the internet's leading directory of wholeSALErs and wholeSALE products, has reached a new milestone of 600,000 items for SALE.

09/01/2009 - Checkout Options Flourish
Most anyone who has made a purchase on eBay is familiar with PayPal, an ecommerce checkout option, which since 2002 has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the online auction site.

08/01/2009 - Online Retailers Shift Tactics
The economy is forcing WEB retailers to change their marketing tactics, in order to acquire and retain customers.

08/01/2009 - Natural Pet Products
The pet industry is a multi billion dollar a year industry and you don't have to have a pet store to take advantage of selling to these pet owners.

08/01/2009 - Making Emails Personal
If retailers' emails are to be effective, they must be relevant to each recipient and sent via their mobile phones and Facebook pages, said Mike Hilts, president and general manger of Yesmail, an email marketing service.

08/01/2009 - 7 Ways to Tighten Your Belt
The following practical and timely tips for managing during challenging times can help keep a small business resilient and solvent.

07/01/2009 - WEB Satisfaction Drops
Customer satisfaction with many of the largest online retailers declined three percent this year versus last, according to the annual Top 100 Online Retail Satisfaction Index from ForeSee Results and FGI Research.

07/01/2009 - Retailer Buying Strategies
Wary of the economy, WEB retailers are likely to buy less holiday merchandise this year.

06/01/2009 - WEBsite Discounts Lux Home Goods
One Kings Lane makes its WEB debut as an invitation required, membership online shopping destination that offers deep discounts on designer home goods.

06/01/2009 - Is Live Chat Right for You?
For those internet retailers who may feel they have their hands full dealing with their customers...

06/01/2009 - How WEB Surfers Find Retailers
Typing the URL of a retailer into a browser window, search and email marketing continue to be the top methods consumers use to get to retail WEBsites, according to the Etailing Group 8th Annual Merchant Survey.

06/01/2009 - Grab and Go Green
In these uncertain times, when retailers are not always sure what the latest trend or fad is for consumers to get excited about, one thing is certain; people need to eat and they love to snack.

06/01/2009 - Accept European Payment Preferences
Many European consumers prefer to pay online with such methods as checks, eWallets, debit cards and electronic bank transfers, according to a study by CyberSource Corp.

05/01/2009 - More WEB Taxes Looming
More states are joining New York in efforts to tax WEB SALES by affiliates.

04/01/2009 - WEBsite Pays Shoppers
A new social product networking WEBsite allows shoppers to earn cash by recommending top products.

04/01/2009 - Three Big eCommerce Tips
With the economic crisis forcing small business owners to slash costs, while trying to build up SALES and revenue, ecommerce is increasingly seen as an attractive market environment.

04/01/2009 - Store Pickup Gains
WEB shoppers and retailers alike are increasingly favoring in-store pickups, according to a recent study by Forrester Research Inc.

04/01/2009 - 3 Most Important WEB Pages
To be successful in ecommerce, you need to be proactive, not passive.

03/01/2009 - WEB SALES Rising
Despite the recession, online retail SALES will likely keep climbing in 2009.

03/01/2009 - U.S. Ecommerce Comeback Seen by 2010
Ecommerce in the United States is expected to climb back to last year's levels by 2010 after experiencing slowing growth in 2009 due to the recession, a research group said recently.

03/01/2009 - Study Sees WEB Gains in Downturn
A significant group of consumers, identified as, "recession shoppers," indicated in a recent study that they will do more shopping online this year if their financial situation worsens.

03/01/2009 - Small Sizes Equal Big Profits
The definition of Minimus is: a) a company that has increased in size very quickly and efficiently, b) an item of the smallest size, c) a large selection of individually sized items, d) all of the above.

03/01/2009 - Renewable Stationery
There are many types of natural, earth friendly stationery: recycled wrapping paper, plantable seed papers, hemp and other renewable products.

02/01/2009 - Growing SALES With Sunglasses
Sunglasses are among the highest profit retail categories. What's more, they are far less seasonal than in the past. Just look at the celebrities who wear them winter and summer.

01/01/2009 - Ranked the No. 1 WholeSALE Trade Site on the Internet ( has been ranked as the most popular WEB site in the Business-WholeSALE Trade category on the Internet.

01/01/2009 - Online Buyers Expand Spending
Big ticket items, such as home appliances, have been among the products to be least purchased online.

01/01/2009 - Buyers Love Kelli's Gifts
One of the many reasons Kelli's Gift Shop Suppliers is so successful is because Mike and Lori Cohen spent twenty years buying for their own 100 or so gift shops before they began selling to others.

11/01/2008 - Retailers See Strength Online
Online retailers reported profitability last year and believe online shopping will be more resilient than other channels in the months ahead, according to a newly released study by Forrester Research for

11/01/2008 - Holiday Email Tips
Major online retailers began sending holiday emails on October 28th last year, 58 days before Christmas, according to a new report.

10/01/2008 - Custom Marketing From Buy Wise
BUY WISE has introduced a custom, personalized Relationship Marketing software program for everyone, including retailers, that enables them to stay in touch with customers, friends, and prospects frequently, easily, and personally.

10/01/2008 - Congress Eyes Hot WEB Goods
A bill submitted in Congress would require operators of WEB auction sites to identify and review the operations of those suspected of selling high volumes of merchandise stolen from retail stores.

09/01/2008 - Early Holiday WEB Marketing
While most consumers don't start holiday shopping in earnest until the day after Thanksgiving, online retailers should begin marketing for the season as early as October, according to MarketLive Inc., an eCommerce platform provider.

08/01/2008 - Shoppers Like Peer Reviews
The popularity of shoppers' online reviews of products is leading to the use of peer reviews in emails, too.

08/01/2008 - Infotech America Offers WEB Promo Services
In the past five years, consumers have changed the way they find products and services via the Internet.

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